
Collection Of Personal Information

The NewRoads Performing Arts Centre and the Old Town Hall and the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket operate under the authority of the Municipal Act, for the purposes of marketing and aggregate statistical reporting. Questions about this collection should be directed to

Sarah Ernst
Culture Services Supervisor
Town of Newmarket
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket ON L3Y8P3

The entities mentioned above will not sell, rent or share the personal information of our patrons without the explicit consent of the patron.

Your name and email address information collected is considered to be under the protection of the above mentioned facilities. They do not disclose the personal information of our patrons without first asking permission.

You may revoke your consent at any time by following the unsubscribe procedures in your account settings or by contacting Deb Thorburn at 905-953-5155 or by email at dthorburn@newmarket.ca

When purchasing tickets, patrons will be asked to answer “ Yes or No” to the following question which will appear on your online checkout ticket purchase.

“I consent to have my name, telephone number and email address being disclosed to the group whose name appears on the ticket as the host or producer staging the event. The group may use this information to contact me to market or advise me about specials and updates.”