Event Information
Venue: |
Showplace Performance Centre
| | CARROLL BAKER – “ONE FINAL TOUR” | Presented by Rocklands Entertainment $69.50 |
Carroll Baker, “Canada’s First Lady of Country Music,” has been a powerhouse in the industry for over 55 years captivating millions with her soulful voice and commanding stage presence. Her remarkable legacy includes more than twenty #1 hits, fourteen albums, four compilation albums, and an astounding fifty five singles, solidifying her place as one of the most celebrated figures in Canadian music. Stirring emotions in fans from coast to coast this iconic Canadian Country Music Star now launches her final cross-Canada tour after an extraordinary career which will again bring her cherished songs to life. Fans will have the chance to experience the magic of her greatest hits and timeless classics in what will be an unforgettable performance. Carroll and “Bakerstreet” will celebrate her musical legacy like never before giving fans the chance to relive the memories of her incredible career in “One Final Tour”.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3fe1grlu5arbzz2xwx0bi/Carroll-Baker-Blank-Promo.mp4?rlkey=u1m76a4ezbzkn26dimyeya7s3&st=ai10zjhr&dl=0 | | |
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Event Information
Carroll Baker - One Final Tour
Showplace Performance Centre
CARROLLBAKER– “ONE FINAL TOUR”Presented by Rocklands Entertainment $69.50CarrollBaker, “Canada’s First Lady of Country Music,” has been a powerhouse in the industry for over 55 years captivating millions with her soulful voice and commanding stage presence. Her remarkable legacy includes more than twenty #1 hits, fourteen albums, four compilation albums, and an astounding fifty five singles, solidifying her place as one of the most celebrated figures in Canadian music.Stirring emotions in fans from coast to coast this iconic Canadian Country Music Star now launches her final cross-Canada tour after an extraordinary career which will again bring her cherished songs to life.Fans will have the chance to experience the magic of her greatest hits and timeless classics in what will be an unforgettable performance.Carrolland “Bakerstreet” will celebrate her musical legacy like never before giving fans the chance to relive the memories of her incredible career in “One Final Tour”.https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3fe1grlu5arbzz2xwx0bi/Carroll-Baker-Blank-Promo.mp4?rlkey=u1m76a4ezbzkn26dimyeya7s3&st=ai10zjhr&dl=0
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