
Event Information

Lance Anderson
Sometimes, you just have to step out your backdoor to find what you thought could only be found elsewhere. Lance Anderson is a celebrated Orillian who has graced concert halls around the world. As a musical producer, arranger and world class musician, he has the uncanny ability of assembling some of the region's best artists, bringing them together to make beautiful music on stages around the world.

The Orillia Opera House will be no exception, as Lance Anderson takes off his hat to the unforgettable sounds of DUKE ELLINGTON and COUNT BASIE - JAZZ ROYALTY with Lance Anderson on piano, John Johnson on saxophone and Russ Boswell on Bass. Come along for the ride, as this terrific trio spins words and music into the magical poetry that's classic jazz.

Venue: Gordon Lightfoot Auditorium


OCA - Lance Anderson

Sunday, May 4, 2025 - 2:30 PM