
Event Information

The Penguin Lessons
The Penguin Lessons is a movie that, at its core, shines some light on a time that is darker than most. It is a reminder that people can change, they can grow and love. A movie that will surely warm your heart, make you smile and coo at the cute animal but also make you feel. Nicole Cabrera/Films Fatale

The Penguin Lessons was not a must-see film in this year’s TIFF lineup. Despite its mind-replenishing powers of competent light drama, you will not hear about it even one more time after the awards season. You will, I hope, see it on some streaming service in a year or so and think, Well, that’s a funny title, and consider giving it a try. You and your poor overburdened brain will be happy if you do. Joe Reid/Vulture

The main reason why The Penguin Lessons is sweet, but also poignant, is due to the script's keen eye for comedy in the face of a tumultuous backdrop. Jeff Pope is responsible for adapting Tom Michell's memoir of the same name, and his decision to tap into the unstable political environment of the time in a story that is predominantly about the protagonist and his pet was an important one. Isabella Soares/Collider

The Penguin Lessons

Monday, April 28, 2025 - 2:00 PM

For accessible seating and group sales, please contact the Box Office at 905-304-3232 or boxoffice@memorialarts.ca.

NO REFUNDS on any tickets sold.