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Event Information
Title: |
Venue: |
Humanities Theatre
Description: |
| TRACES 2025
The Real African Cultural Exhibition Showcase (TRACES) is a
signature event at the University of Waterloo. Hosted by the University of
Waterloo's African Student Association (UWASA), TRACES celebrates the richness
of African heritage through a series of artistic performances that embody a
particular theme each year.
This year’s theme is “Dwennimmen” (directly translating to
"the horns of a ram"). Originating from the Twi language of Ghana,
‘Dwennimmen’ represents humility and strength, expressing the concept of
acquiring true wisdom through a willingness to grow.
The event serves as a
platform for individuals to showcase their talents to the university community
and beyond, encouraging all participants to make meaningful connections and
enhance cross-cultural understanding. Through a fusion of dance, music,
fashion, poetry, and film, TRACES aims to entertain and enlighten our audience
on the beauty of African culture.
Cocktail hour: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Performance: 6:00 pm
Tickets: Early bird $18 until January 11 $22 - January 12 - January 20 $25 - January 21 - January 29 $27 - January 30 - February 7 Day of Event $30 - February 8 Venue: Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall, University of Waterloo

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